Wednesday, November 29, 2006

patrick owens search

hi my name is malcolm. i am looking for my father, and the odds are not super good. his name is pat owens, or, more specifically, patrick j. owens (i dunno what the j is). there are quite a few pat owens in this country, and a lot of them in pennsylvania. calling every pat owens is a huge drag, i have done 2 states, and im not doing it again.
ive spent money on various search and find sites, and internet private detectives, all to no avail. maybe he does not wish to be found, and changed his name. or maybe ive actually talked to him on the phone and dont know it.
every few years or so, i get excited about actually finding him, and i try something new. so this blog is my new something new. i figure i could actually meet other pat owens this way, or maybe someone that is related could help me find something out.
which brings me to what id like to say if he or someone that knows him is reading.

i basically want to know medical history.
i dont want to acquire a whole new family (i am pretty busy with mine).
if he needs help, ill help him.

so, in the posts ill talk about what i know about him, and if anything comes up, ill talk about that. i probably will talk a little about random stuff regarding this search, but ill try and be on point about it all.
this is my first blog, so im not sure if i need to put my contact in, or what. so if its already in the thing, whatever. you can reach me at

also i welcome any advice or input from people who have found or are searching for a longlosty. or comments from owensfolk who can tell me about their families (what i gather largely catholic, irish or welsh or something.) are all welsh hairy or what? post it, yo.

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